As the charcoal smoldered and the pork tenderloins browned a star-filled night become a not-so-distant memory. At first, the frozen moisture sprinkling from the sky was exciting because it officially maked the first snowfall I've experienced in the place I reside. Eventually, after 20 minutes or so, the nostalgia wore off. But by no means did the greatness of the night decrease. While the snow began to conceal the ground my friends and I burnt our pork tenderloins, talked of good times and had an improptu snowball fight(are they ever planned?). Sunday, December 4th, 2005 will go down as a very memorable date for many a year to come.
The other big happening of the last few days was my aquisition of a pet hamster. I picked him up off waivers. One of my students had it in a paper cup and it was shaking from the cold. I don't know what came over me but I really felt for this little critter. The student's mom wouldn't let her keep it so I decided that I would take it home and see what I could do for it's health. It looked like it was on the verge of stepping into the white hampter light. Muchangi is his name. It means handsome in Korean. He's about 3 inches, has light grey hair, with the exception of a dark streak running down the center of his back. I hope I can keep him alive. I've never had a rodent as a pet...come to think about it I've never had a pet.
I'll keep Muchangi's condition updated as more happenings occur.
1 comment:
Dude, snowballs in Yeosu, I remember that shit, gathering snow off cars in front of Miller Time and huckin at your snow-virgin-cali-ass. Nothin' but good memories came from my times there man and you played a HUGE part, for that I thank you and forever pledge my allegiance to the snow chuckin', ElleLui plunderin', poker slangin' posse that was ours for a brief but bella time. Hammy didn't make it for long as I recall, but I'm sure we all remember your heart for keepin' kid around a little while longer...
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