It's been a while since I last posted. I guess quite a lot of things have happened. I got sick last week from the children not covering there mouths when they sneeze or cough. Out here you see quite a few people wear those medical masks. Originally, I thought maybe they were still geeked out about SARS. Appartently my assumption is totally incorrect. People wear them when they're sick. I appreciate the jesture but just cover your mouth and you won't look like you 're an extra in Outbreak. They don't cover they're mouth when launching saliva projectiles through the air. When eating in a group every one picks at the same dish with they're used chopsticks. It just seems unsanitary. Somethings (many things) I just don't get here. But that's all part of the experience.
My cold caused me to take it easy the latter part of last week. Plus I needed to save all my energy for my big birthday bash on Saturday night. Man, I have some good friends out here. They showed up with gifts, not that I'm all about presents, but it was just nice they went that extra step to for me. Good peole out here. My closest friends, Ken, Brad and Mikey threw a birthday party at their house for me. We bought an excessive amount of food; 30 hot dogs, 3 pork loins, 8 chicken wings, 4 chicken breast and the fixins for hamburgers. Well, the snow started to dump and evidently taxis were few and far between. To make a long story short, no one except us ate the food and consequencely the boys have a fridge full of hot dogs, chicken (we ate the pork loins the next night) and vegies that were for the salad that was never made. Regardless, the party was great. A lot a awesome people came out. The place was packed with every person who could've possibly attended. After a few drinks (wink, wink), a speech, countless hugs, and an apartment illuminated by expat smiles we zig-zagged to the neighborhood bar. By this time most people were pretty saucy. Some went home in taxis, others, included myself went to the nori bong (private kariokee rooms where you can be David Bowie, Mariah Carey and Lenny Kravitz all in one night). The night was perfect. I had more fun than I could've expected. Not that I had low expectations but it was just a great night.
The next evening I went over to Chelsea's house for an early Christmas dinner. It was tasty. The Yeosu veteran and resident holiday extrodanaire can cook. We relaxed and began talking about plans for Christmas weekend. We also spent a vast majority of the time rehashing the faded memories from the night before.
Monday morning, my real birthday, was kicked off by talking with my folks. There isn't a better way to start a week. Although I slept in quite a bit due to my lively weekend, we were still able to converse for a short but sweet amount of time. As soon as I stepped foot into work little Arnold came running up to me and wished me a happy birthday. These kids are so cute! For snack the Korean teachers made pancakes cause they know I like them. By the end of the day, two mothers had each bought me cakes, and one of them bought two pizzas as well. Needless to say the gym is calling my name. Work was amazing. I felt so greatful, and at the sametime so undeserving. I give the credit to my folks. They're the ones who raised me. Thanks mom and dad. I love you.
In this post I've left out quite a few details but somethings are better kept off the internet. Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm going to Japan for a qucik three day trip coming up. I'm excited. I'm taking a hydrofoil across the Korean Strait and once landing in Japan I'm gonna take the train down to Nagasaki. The place has serious history. It was the first port that opened to foreign trade in Japan. The Portuguese, Dutch and to a smaller extent the Chinese. It's obviously most notorious for being the site of the second atomic bomb attack. There's supposed to be a cool monument and a park titled Peace Park. It should be a nice trip. I'll definitely keep you guys updated.
Well if you got to the end of this I thank you for taking time out of your day to read a few words that just another young man in Yeosu wrote. For those back home, I miss you and those here, I'm stoked I have you as friends.
peace and love,
Tyler James.
ps. I don't care how bad the Niners are. I love 'em just the same.
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