Hello. Well this is my first shot at blogging. Honestly, I'm pretty excited. I've heard about blogging from shmoes like Arianna Huffington and I've had some inclination to further explore this new arena but I never got my act together. Now thanks to my boy S. Nilson (what up kid) I'm gonna start destroying cyberspace. I'm hoping this will be a good way for my friends and family to see what is going on out here in Korealand (it's similar to Disneyland minus the mouse ears). I'm gonna try and keep this updated as much as possible though I know that I'll be incognito at times. It's just my style.
Well I guess I should do some updating of my life out here. I'm living in a city named Yeosu which is located in southern South Korea. In this coastal, picturesque municipality I'm teaching children English. God, if only I was just teaching English. I've been doing a lot of wiping snot from kids nosies, cleaning up puke (Have you ever seen the puke of a kid that just eats rice? It ain't pretty), and constantly attempting to convince a 3 year old not to cry because the shrill that emanates from his mouth is similar to an infintile Bornean monkey that has gone a week from his mothers suckle. Other than the few minor issues stated above everything else is dandy.
My place of residence is a small studio. It's quite cozy. The room is big enough to make look like a desaster area at times but generally I'm keeping it clean (that's for you mom). The neighborhood that I live in is awesome. Across the street from my place is work, up the street is my local convience store, that stocks cheap beer and unrefrigerated eggs. One can find these items once navigating passed the shelves of dried fish and sausage shaped and flavored cheese sticks. There are many 24 hour gimbop restaurants within a 2 minute walk out my door (gimbop is like a sushi roll minus the tasty filling. The Koreans put ham, egg, radish, some green vegetable and a processed fish product in the center. But sometimes I order the chumchi (tuna, not fresh but outta the can) and this is quite tasty). It's a pretty happening area, throughout the night I hear soju influenced Koreans arguing about things that seem important.
I've been doing many things to keep busy. I picked up a guitar and have been playing a lot. I'm reading Dracula by Bram Stoker and getting excited about spending time in Transylvania next fall. I download shows from back home. The Apprentice and Lost are my two fave's. Sometimes I'll download a football game, pick up a Budweiser, play "God Bless America", and eat a hot dog, all while skimming through the lastest "Nascar Monthly" that I have shipped out here. It's fun. When not at home I'm usually with friends. I have buddies that live a short taxi ride away. They're all Canucks. Needless to say I recieve my fair share of anti-Americanism. But that's fine, I'm doing my best to uphold the reputation of California, not Kentucky, Nevada or Florida. Speaking of Florida currently I'm in negociations with the Canadians about trading the entire state for the city of Vancouver, BC. They could have a piece of land in the Caribbean, sunshine, freshly squeezed orange juice, Disneyworld, Jeb Bush, Tallahasse, Elian Gonzales' aunt, and Katherine Harris. Maybe I should leave those last four outta the pitch.
Anyway how bout those Niners? And now on to more uplifting topics. Is it just me or is the internet the most amazing thing invented in my 23+ years on this revolving rock? I think that unless Magic Johnson shares his cure of AIDS with the rest of the world, the internet will go down as being the greatest invention/discovery of my life. Thank you Al Gore.
Well, it's Satuday night and a friend of mine is spending his last night in town before heading off to Thailand and the Phillipines and eventually relocating to Taiwan. Speaking of Taiwan I think I'm gonna refer to them as the Democratic Republic of China for now on. I'm over the Lenin loving, Mao idolising, bird flu spreading, river polluting, Uighur oppressing, Tibet conquering, red flag waving, protester silencing, People's Republic of China.
Man the internet is cool. I'm out.
Peace and Love,
Tyler James
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