Well it's 25 years since John Lennon was sadly taken from a world that I had yet to know. Lennon's death on December 8th, 1980 proceeded my birth by 1 year and 11 days, yet I feel as though the man has been a part of me since I first listened to my mother play John's greatest hits when I was still in single digit youth. When originally confused about girls, later young ladies, and now women I listen to "Jealous Guy" or "I'm So Tired." After Bush sent U.S. kids to Iraq I entered repeat song on my Ipod and let "Imagine" marinate my brain with thoughts that are so basic yet still so hard for those in power to exercise. If I've slept past my alarm and I'm still tired there's no better song to put on than "I'm Only Sleeping." Try this, roll one up, put on your headphones and listen to "Tomorrow Never Knows," your mind will be a canvas where only the most vibrant colors are used to paint "tangerine trees and marmalade skys." My life seems to change everytime I think about "A Day in the Life."
Originally I thought about how so much has changed since Lennon's life was taken in front of the Dakota. But after some thought I realized that not much has changed. At the time of John's death, Carter was a lame duck president soon to be replaced by a big spending Republican, who encouraged nationalism and used military might to interfer in messes on foreign soil (Lebannon, Grenada, and El Salvador, amongst others.) Although I'd like to "Imagine all the people living life in peace," after some observations, John, I would say "you're a dreamer." I wish I could list John's causes with check marks next to them and not big red X's. But the bottom line is we haven't learned from the past. Shit, I'm 23 years old but I know that. Nixon to Bush. Vietnam to Iraq. 10,000s of nukes to 100,000s of nukes. Does anyone else notice we're going down the wrong path? In the most miniscual way I'm glad John is gone. He'd be so dissapointed in our progress...or lack there of.
Find the a person you love. If it's a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife and play "Oh, Yoko" (Yeah I know she's crazy but that's beside the point. He was truly in love and no matter how geeked she is true love is a beautiful thing). The song contains lyrics that encapsulate the warmth only the sun radiates. Try "God." The man tells you what he believes but not in a manner of preaching. He's manifesting that we have the chance, no the right, to believe what we want. These songs are just one man's suggestions, in which only a few people may see, but thanks to John Lennon I've learned that one man can accomplish so much.
While at school, work, your house, or a hotel hot tub with a Swedish snow bunny, put on some Johnny L. and enjoy.
In Rememberance of John Winston Lennon.
Peace and Love,
Tyler James
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