This administration is shit. Sorry grandma and everyone that I may have offended with my language. If you were offended because I'm calling this Bush Regime excrement then take off your partisan veil and look at what's happening. Oh man, a war started and being conducted with lies. An unnecessary war that has sparked a civil war and may further destabilize the most volatile region on earth. A freaking war that has inflicted pain on mothers in Kansas, mother-less children in Baghdad and a saddened young man sitting in a coffee shop welling up with tears in his eyes. My pain is probably the easiest to overcome. I don't have first hand suffering. My brother isn't worrying about IED's, my father can safely walk at the farmers market and my mom isn't grieving over her children whose lives were taking prematurely.
Do I bear responsibility for this war? Did I do everything I could have to prevent it? I was demonstrating over four years ago against Bush's push for war but what have I done since? I guess I voted against Bush in '04 but was I out there encouraging others to vote? No. I know that I'm not to blame for this bloody war but I can't help but feel some responsibility for what MY country is doing. I'm ashamed. I'm angry. I'm sad.
I'm not about pointing fingers. Well, actually, let's just get this one out of the way. This is the fault of Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and all those neocons who lied to and in essence cheated the American people into this quagmire . For those of you who voted for Bush I'd love to say you bear responsibility. That by backing this guy your support led to war. A war that continues to escalate as I type every letter. But I'm not gonna blame you. I'm not gonna say "see what you've caused." I know a lot of people like to be partisan, blaming those who vote in different primaries and agreeing with those that tell you what you want to hear. I'm so over division. We need to come together and figure out a solution to this mess. We need dialogue and if I hear one more of those SOBs who says I don't support my troops or I'm un-American because I question the actions of my government then I'm just gonna say it louder. Do you hear me Tom Delay? You don't scare me punk ass.
Where in the World is Tommy Franks? Has our valiant general who "Hoorad" his way to Baghdad disappeared. I'm guessing hunting in Texas and routing for North Carolina in the Tourney.
How many young men and women serving in a war zone are gonna come back and not be taken care of? Do you think that those with mental health problems will get help? Shit this "troop supporting" admin. isn't even caring for those with blown off appendages.
What was the price of Halliburton stock before the war? $20 Now? $32.45 (but it split once since the war). Cheney's snarling all the way to the bank. Freaking Puto.
Is this war worth one more American soldier's arm or Iraqi child's life or one cent that could be spent here on education, health care and permanent housing for those ignored during Katrina?
What are you doing to oppose this war?
Here's the very least I can do...the website to the House of Representatives, you can write a letter expressing your views. Remember we have the freedom to voice our opinions here and don't let some bantering, partisan bully tell you otherwise. Lois Capps I'm watching you. Feinstein and Barbara also. Arnie, I'm still disappointed in you for campaigning with Bush in '04, but you can make it up to me if you don't do the same for the Hawks in '08. Bush, I'm done with you. Enjoy that presidential library. It will serve to us as a reminder of your disastrous performance and in turn it will be your only positive legacy.
PS. I'm pissed because these partisan Republican hacks hijacked my American Flag. They must have stock in the flag business because all over the world they're buying them...and burning them.
Lets change things. Start with yourself.
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