Last night/early this morning I was awoken by the sound of thunder. It wasn't the vibrations that follow lightening bolts in the sky. It was the roar that only occurs in the waning minutes of a big time World Cup match.
Dae Han Min Gook(Fighting Korea), as they call themselves, were down a goal in the 81st minute until the overexposed(he's on every other commercial) but highly talented Park Ji-Sung tipped one over the Frenchie goalkepper to tie up the ballgame. I was instantly woken by the rattling of the building and the screams of joy that seemed to be coming from every direction. It was 5:30am.
They are freakin serious out here. On the radio in taxis all I hear are players names and "chuku"(soccer). Most bars have picked up 5x5 projection screens for the tourney. Every man, women and child can tell you the names of the players, in correct order, who touched the ball before they put one in the net. Matches dictate fashion. On gamedays the masses are dressed in red. With the human condensement of this nation the streets literally look like a sea of red. Everyone dawns the attire: shopkeepers, little kids, grandpas, Hines Ward(half-Korean), and your average English teacher. It's a fever. There is nothing that I've seen come close to this in the States. Koreans are highly proud of their unique culture which has had to fight to survive due to passed years of foreign invasion and forced assimialtion(during Japan's imperial quest of Asia in the first half of the 20th century most Koreans were forced to learn Japanese, adopt traditional Japanese cultures and customs and if disobeying these orders slaughtered without the least bit of rependence shown by the Japs). It is utterly amazing to be in a country that is absolutely obsessed with the beautiful game. No one really gave a damn about soccer here until the Koreans made it to the semifinals last cup, which was jointly held in SK and Japan. I'm so stoked that I'm here for this. It seems like one of those once in a lifetime chances that I can actually watch unfold in front of my eyes.
More notes on the Cup...I'm going for the States but they suck and I'm sure they ain't making it to the next round but it ain't impossible...I like England, Wayne Rooney's my favorite played and he's coming out like a trooper after breaking his foot 6 weeks ago...Argentina was utterly amazing in their 6-0 win over Serbia & Montenegro, it was something speical to watch...Brazil's hyped but the Aussies stuck with them pretty well, could they have Yankee-itis...Korea's going to the second round and they're gonna give some top teams a run for their money, they're a tight little squad. It's gonna be an excited next few weeks.
I made reservations for the slow boat to China. I'm leaving Incheon, South Korea on August 15th and landing in Yantai, China the following morning. Wow!
Hope all is well.
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