Another Monday gone and a Tuesday on the horizon. This last weekend was swell. Friday I had a field trip with my school. We took the youngins to a "sledding resort." They, as well as myself, had a blast. I'd put a four year old on my lap and we'd haul ass down the hill. I'd try and start us with a little spin so we'd be doing 360s the whole way down. There was a ton of other kids there from other schools and I happened to be the only white person. Sometimes being the minority is such a trip. For example I was sittin inside the cafeteria eating lunch next to a floor to ceiling window and these kids would come up and practically push their faces against the window and just stare. You'd think I was an animal at the zoo. I'm surprised they didn't try to pet me. Korean kids always say hello whenever you're walking down the street. I know it's a nice jesture but usually when you respond with a "hello" they run away giggling. I've come up with a solution. The preemptive hello. (We Americans love preemption) Any random kid may get one. It throws them off guard, but the way I look at it I'm only playing by their rules. What an interesting place.
Saturday was also a very enjoyable day. My buds, their female Korean co-teachers and I went to Muju ski resort and tore it up. Brad and I snowboarded and Kenny and Mike skiied, well at least they said they did (that's another story that I don't even wanna get into). Although all the snow was man-made there were some really nice runs. I love that free feeling you get when carving down a nice wide slope. It's like nothing else exists, no work, no responsibilities. Just you, the snow and gravity. Snowboarding is one of the cooler things on Earth. We stayed out there Saturday night, ate a tasty homemade Korean meal, and drank some below average Korean beer. I felt good the next morning and was certainly eager to ride again. But seeing that this is the South and not their Stalinist brother in the North, democracy was inacted. I was out voted 4-2 with two abstinations. No prob, I'm thinking about going up in 3 weeks with a crew of foreigners. The cool thing is the mountain is open till 10pm, so you can leave here in the early morning, get up there in three hours and snowboard all afternoon and night(they take an hour and a half intermission from 5-6:30. The slopes get groomed, and the lights and buzzes get turned on. I slept during the break).
Speaking of sleep, it's undoubtedly one of my favorite things to do. It is also something I most certainly underappreciate. I get home from work tired and may take a nap but rarely do I fall asleep before midnight. I know your wondering what could I possibly be doing? Honestly I don't know. Drinking tea, watching TV, reading a book, transfixed to the internet like a serpent lover admiring Modussa's beauty, I really don't know. I'm gonna make it a point to fall asleep during the 11 o'clock hour at least once a week. Then I'm gonna push it up to twice a week. Even if I get the same amount of sleep it's still nice to wake up in the morning drink a cup or 3 of coffee, and have sometime to clean, make breakfast, read the news or a book, and relax. You know what? It's 11:45 right now, I have my teeth brushed and my eyelids eager to drop the curtain. I'm signing off. I hope everyone is well and is still checking in with the blog from time to time.
Oh yeah a few more things. (This is o why I go to bed so late, whatever) Kobe scored 81 points? Oh my god. I can't stand the guy but wow. Seahawks vs. the Steelers. I wanna see Cowher, Hines and Bettis get rings. The exchange rate is killer for me right now, pretty stoked. I've got a three day weekend coming up and a Japanese girl I met on my trip is coming to visit. Should be fun. My bro is turning 21 on February 14th. Uhhh Fro! I'll be there in spirit when your drinking your spirits. Take pics sonny.
Love you all,
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