Saturday, January 05, 2008

Recent Fillings Within My Mind Cavaties

Obama takes Iowa:
The Big Cat whooped up Hilary and Johnny "J. Fox" Edwards. Although Iowa doesn't necessarily crown you champion, Obama's showing was something special. He got independent votes, college students to actually vote and first-timers out. Democratic Baby-booms tended to vote for Hilary but their votes were off set and one-uped by the groups I just mentioned.

My Boy Ron Paul:
I'm not sure if folks are familiar with Ron Paul. He's a libertarian Republican presidential candidate coming from the glorious state of Texas. He's against the war, against the war on drugs, for political term limits and for personal liberty. Considered a long shot by most he's crushed one-day fundraising numbers. He set a single day record with $4.5 million on the anniversary of Guy Fawkes' famed 5th of November Gunpowder plot. Then on the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Ron Paul threw his previous record into the bay by raising $6 million more. So far his war-chest hasn't translated into big poll numbers. There is some talk of an independent campaign is he fails to secure the Republican nomination.

Scary, scary, scary. A country with raising militant Islam. Martial law, supreme court suspensions, political assassinations. At Musharraf's fingertips are red buttons readied for nuclear strikes, within fortified caves in Pakistans tribal regions Bin Laden Plots. What approach should America take with our "war on terror ally"?